It’s golf &
a whole lot more!

is now a PXG Fitting Center & now a PXG Fitting Center & Dealer.
We are the ONLY CENTER in the Metro East area. PXG is the top club line in the world!

Patti’s Parlor is Open
Stop by and check out the new Patti’s Parlor.
Now offering food and our menu is in the works!
Our Simulator bay’s
With its massive ball-capture range, the GCHawk allows players of both right and left handedness to hit shots with absolute confidence that performance was precisely measured. And just like its GC2 and GCQuad predeccesors, the GCHawk captures shots from every stick in the bag – from the driver to the putter – for a complete, true-to-life game experience

Our Simulator bay’s
With its massive ball-capture range, the GCHawk allows players of both right and left handedness to hit shots with absolute confidence that performance was precisely measured. And just like its GC2 and GCQuad predeccesors, the GCHawk captures shots from every stick in the bag – from the driver to the putter – for a complete, true-to-life game experience